fell fell1 fall 的过去式。 fell2 vt. 1.砍倒(树等);弄倒;打倒。 2.把(破缝边缘)缝平。 n. 1.(树等)一季的采伐量。 2.折进(边缘)缝平,(衣服等的)平缝。 adj. 〔古、诗〕残忍的,凶恶的,残暴的,致命的;尖锐的,剧烈的。 a fell and barbarous enemy 凶恶野蛮的敌人。 a fell disease 致命的病。 n. -ness n. 1.兽皮,毛皮,生皮。 2.(人的)皮肤。 3.羊毛,毛丛,发丛。 a fell of hair 乱蓬蓬的头发,发绺。 fell5 n. 1.〔北英〕高沼;丘原。 2.〔用作地名〕荒山,…岗,…丘陵。 n. feel Dr. Fell towards sb. 不知为什么总觉得讨厌某人〔来自 Thomas Brown 的诗句: I do not love thee, Dr. Fell, / The reason why I cannot tell〕.
Richard Taylor Fell CVO (born 11 November 1948) was the British High Commissioner to New Zealand and the colonial Governor of the Pitcairn, Henderson, Ducie and Oeno Islands (of which only Pitcairn is inhabited) from 2001 to 2006.